Sector Update
Sector Update
Kia ora koutou,
In just over two weeks the 2022 Commonwealth Games will be kicking off in Birmingham. So many people have been working hard towards this moment and I know everyone is behind the NZ Team and looking forward to seeing our athletes in action on the world stage.
I have had the pleasure over the last few months of travelling to different areas of Aotearoa to see some of the locally-led initiatives in place, supported through Regional Sport Trusts.
The expansion of programmes such as He Oranga Poutama, which was announced last month, only broadens this reach and strengthens the ability of our communities to provide culturally distinctive pathways and enable Māori to be physically active as Māori.
It is always a proud moment to see the work making a real difference to people across Aotearoa. Thank you to everyone putting in the work daily to make positive change in our sector.
Ngā mihi,
Raelene Castle
New Report: Sport Media & Gender Study Building
The second annual report from the Sport NZ-Isentia study of gender balance in New Zealand sports news coverage is out today and women’s sport is up. Over the past year coverage of women’s sport has increased from 15% to 21% of all sports news coverage, of which 2% comes from the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. Gender balance is also up across all major media outlets and 27 of 46 sports.
This year’s report features a lot of new data, including the most-covered teams and events, analysis of independent media and year-on-year comparisons.
We are hosting two webinars on 19 and 20 July for all those interested in the findings and how these can be used to help drive positive change. Use the links below to register:
Tuesday 19 July, 7.30pm
Register now
Wednesday 20 July, 1.30pm
Register now
Building resilience post-pandemic
On 8 July, the Minister for Sport and Recreation confirmed the latest organisations to receive funding towards their strengthen and adapt projects.
This investment is enabling national bodies to future proof their organisations and networks. They receive expert guidance for research and planning, and the programme allows flexibility to put forward the projects that will make the biggest difference.
Athletics NZ, Canoe Racing NZ, Golf NZ, Hockey NZ, Recreation Aotearoa, Rowing NZ, Swimming NZ, Tennis NZ, Waka Ama NZ, and Yachting NZ are the latest organisations confirmed to receive funding towards their projects.
The ten organisations join a group of 11 others that went through the programme from mid-2020 and are now implementing their projects. More organisations are expected to be confirmed for funding through the programme later this year. Learn more about the programme.
Active Recreation for Rangatahi Plan: One year on
The Active Recreation for Rangatahi Plan was introduced in 2021 with a vision to create better physical activity experiences for rangatahi in Aotearoa and guide our mahi for a three-year period.
One year on, we have seen some excellent progress across our commitments. Highlights include:
- An additional $3,600,000 of funding distributed to Regional Sports Trust to support active recreation for rangatahi
- Over 250 people across the sector attending Mana Taiohi training workshops to learn about how to apply a mana enhancing approach in their work with young people
- Increased investment of $400,000 per annum into the Outdoor Activity Fund, distributed by Recreation Aotearoa
- The launch of the #ItsMyMove integrated marketing campaign focused on helping young women be active their way
Read more about the commitment progress and activities taking place in communities across Aotearoa here.

Building Māori Cultural Capability Webinars
Increasingly Māori are on a journey to re-indigenise themselves. They are looking for culturally distinctive pathways, for and by Māori, that will enable them to participate and succeed as Māori. The way the sector currently defines and recognises physical activity is not aligned to a Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview) perspective.
In 2019, a customised cultural capability programme named Tū Te Ihi was introduced and embedded in Sport NZ through the internal induction programme in a commitment to building culturally capable staff and leadership. Staff feedback has been extremely positive and tikanga Māori has been embedded in how we welcome manuhiri and new staff, conduct hui, engage with Māori and with each other.
Register for these free Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa webinars which are targeted at anyone interested in building culturally confident and capable leadership and staff in areas such as Te Tiriti o Waitangi, relationships with Māori, understanding Māori worldviews, Te Reo Māori, practices and customary protocols.
Hear from Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa Toihautu Moana-Lee Raihania, Mātanga Te Ao Māori Neavin Broughton and Perēri Hathaway as they share the journey and steps taken to develop a customised cultural capability programme for Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa.
Building a customised Māori cultural capability programme
Tuesday, 9 August 2022, 11am
Register now
Thursday, 11 August 2022, 1pm
Register now
Independent Integrity Transition Committee
Last month, the Minister announced the formation of an independent body to strengthen and protect the integrity of the sport and recreation sector.
You can read the press release here. This decision followed recommendations from the Integrity Working Group (IWG), which also included the development of a National Code of Sport Integrity (NCSI). We are hopeful the new entity will become operational in 2024.
Rebecca Rolls has been appointed as Transition Director to lead this work, including consultation with the sector over the coming months to identify the functions and responsibilities of this new unit.
The independent Integrity Transition Committee has been formed and includes Doug Martin (Chairperson), Don Mackinnon (Deputy Chairperson/IWG representative), Tim Castle (DFSNZ representative), Traci Houpapa (Māori representative), Alexis Pritchard (Athlete representative), Sarah Murray (Recreation representative) and Dean Murphy (NSO representative). Their profiles and key updates will be available on the Integrity Transition website.
Nationwide Expansion of He Oranga Poutama broadens reach into Iwi, Hapū, Whānau, Māori Communities
On 29 June the Minister for Sport and Recreation announced the expansion of the long standing kaupapa Māori wellbeing programme He Oranga Poutama into four new takiwā (regions) with an increase in annual investment from $1.78 million to $3.84 million. This will broaden the programme’s reach into whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori across Aotearoa and forms part of the $7 million Kaupapa Māori Response Plan focused on providing and increasing culturally distinctive pathways that enable Māori to be physically active as Māori.
Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa has been kaitiaki of He Oranga Poutama for over 16 years. The kaupapa centres on Māori wellbeing by improving participation and leadership through physical activity as Māori, with delivery managed by a combination of hapū, iwi, hauora and regional providers.
There are now 12 He Oranga Poutama providers, with three added as part of the expansion to extend the programme’s nationwide coverage:
- Tairāwhiti - Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou partnering with Sport Gisborne Tairāwhiti
- Wellington and Wairarapa - Te Rūnanganui o Te Ātiawa ki te Ūpoko o te Ika and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated partnering with Nuku Ora
- South Island - Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu.
He Oranga Poutama will also be extended into the Urewera Ranges and Tauranga through existing provider Mātaatua Sports Trust.
Find out more about He Oranga Poutama here.
Photo credit: Sport Gisborne Tairāwhiti.

Grant Opportunity - IWG World Conference on Women & Sport
Do you know someone in your community who is actively involved in supporting girls and women through play, active recreation and/or sport in Aotearoa?
Sport NZ is seeking grant applications for the 8th IWG World Conference on Women & Sport. This grant offers a substantial opportunity for professional development to those who might not otherwise be able to attend this event.
Successful applicants will receive a free virtual experience registration to participate in the hybrid 8th IWG World Conference on Women & Sport, taking place this year in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland and online from 14 to 17 November 2022. Over 220 sessions and almost 500 international speakers have already been confirmed for this event which is dedicated to advancing gender equity and equality in sport, physical education, and physical activity.
The Sport NZ grant is eligible to those who:
- Are actively involved in supporting kōhine and wāhine through play, active recreation and/or sport in Aotearoa
- Are a paid or volunteer member at a community or grassroot level
- Are not employed by a Sport NZ Partner (a partner is defined as an organisation who receives paid investment from Sport NZ)
Applicant can be nominated or self-nominated.
For further details on eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit this site.
Community Spotlight: Wāhine try adventurous water activities in new initiative
An Auckland-based programme that gives young women the chance to try adventurous water activities is breaking down barriers.
Wāhine on Water is an initiative run by Auckland’s Sir Peter Blake Marine Education and Recreation Centre (MERC), with support from Harbour Sport and the Tū Manawa fund which Harbour Sport administers in North Auckland on behalf of Sport NZ.
The initiative has given a group of young women aged 18 to 24 the chance to gain new skills and experience in a range of ocean sports and activities, including kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, surfing, snorkelling and sailing. Find out more about this life-changing experience here.

Game Changer 2022 Conference
Do you want game-changing results from your marketing budgets? This new conference aims to open your eyes to the possibilities of using sports as a channel for your brand.
Game Changer 2022, taking place at Eden Park on 11 August 2022, will showcase all the exciting new marketing opportunities caused by the digital disruption in the world of sport. Use the code ‘SPORTNZ’ to receive special member rate of $495+GST. Find out more here.
The keynotes and panels will discuss how brands, sports and cultural movements are increasingly intersected – and how as a brand you can be part of these conversations between fans, athletes, and clubs.