Accessibility Design Guide and Checklist
Accessibility Design Guide and Checklist
This design guide and audit tools are aimed at guiding facilities owners/managers towards ensuring the minimum required levels of access provisions are provided. It also encourages them to go beyond these minimums following industry best practice and ‘fit for purpose’ design - in doing so this will help facilities throughout New Zealand to be successful public recreation spaces.
A successful public or recreation space or place is one where all people within a community can be engaged in activities; where the space or place will be satisfying to be within, have a good image, and one which is a friendly place where people go meet each other and take visitors. Accessibility of a building and the usability of its facilities for all people regardless of ability level will play a fundamental role in achieving this, and as such accessibility is a main contributor to the wellbeing of a community and the success of any public or recreation space.
Sport New Zealand identifies the importance of accessibility and engaged the Barrier Free NZ Trust to consult with disability groups, facilities managers and ground level staff to gain an understanding of the successes for accessibility currently at facilities throughout New Zealand and develop this Guide and Checklist.
Barrier Free New Zealand Trust,