Eye on the ball
Discipline scenario
Eye on the ball
Discipline scenario
What occurs in this future?
- Climate change awareness is prompting stricter environmental regulations and changing social norms. Excessive consumption, especially in energy and travel, is increasingly criticised, while sustainability and moderation are emerging as key indicators of social responsibility.
- Our aging population is straining healthcare and social services, with the number of elderly projected to rise significantly. Concurrently, a declining working-age population threatens economic stability, especially in rural areas facing departing youth and shrinking communities, leading to uncertain futures for small towns.
- Austerity has emerged from constrained economic activity and a focus on deficit reduction, leading to scarce discretionary spending in both public and private sectors. This situation necessitates tough choices and prioritisation of resources.
- Technology, particularly automation, is now seen as essential in addressing labour shortages, providing innovative solutions to fill gaps left by diminishing human resources and transforming service provision.
What questions does this future raise for us today?
- How can we promote sport and active recreation activities to foster social cohesion and integration among diverse communities?
- How can we adapt our organisation to the changing nature of the workforce, with its emphasis on job-sharing, reduced working weeks, and remote working?
- What low-tech, physical activities can we promote as affordable alternatives to digital leisure?
- What local sport and active recreation opportunities can we develop to offset reduced travel?
- How can we maximise the potential for sport and active recreation programmes to promote cultural understanding and respect?