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Governance & organisational review across Sport NZ and HPSNZ

Governance & organisational review across Sport NZ and HPSNZ

A Governance and Organisational Review is underway across Sport New Zealand (Sport NZ) and High Performance Sport New Zealand  (HPSNZ). 

The purpose of the Review is to recommend a fit-for-purpose governance, structural and operating model that can most effectively deliver the strategic visions of both organisations, while also offering the best and most efficient support structure for the sector.  

The Review will be led by an Advisory Group of eight people led by David Howman, former Director General of the World Anti-Doping Agency. The Group is further comprised of representatives with strong knowledge of the play, active recreation and sport system, from grass roots to elite sport, an understanding of the wider context of Government and business operating models, and able to advise on Crown- Māori obligations. Bill Moran (Sport NZ and HPSNZ Chairperson) and Raelene Castle (CEO Sport NZ) will be ex-officio members of the Advisory Group. 

An independent agency will be appointed by Sport NZ in consultation with the Advisory Group Chairperson. The agency will complete the background research and stakeholder interviews necessary to inform the Review. The organisation will collate all information and data and complete necessary modelling under the direction of the Advisory Group, leading to recommendations around preferred options. The independent agency will review amongst other things 

  • Legislative and other obligations
  • Organisational visions and funding models 
  • Key Trends eg: participation and drivers of change – economic, social and cultural trends  
  • Structure – institutional and governance models for the play, sport and recreation sector, and high-performance sector 
  • Stakeholder Engagement – the Advisory Group will agree final stakeholders to be involved 

A full timeline will be produced once the independent agency is recruited, however it is expected that the end to-end process could take up to six months. 

We will continue to provide regular updates as the review progresses.

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