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Healthy Active Learning workforce video

Healthy Active Learning workforce video

Healthy Active Learning workforce video transcript

[Title: What motivates you in your role?] 

[Amy McMahon speaking] 

I'm a healthier happier human when I'm moving regularly so I love being able to share that passion for movement with tamariki and teachers. 

[Tom Houghton speaking] 

Just playing my part to make the lives of tamariki and their communities better.  

[Katie Dobson speaking] 

Wellbeing being such an important thing for all of our schools and our tamariki. 

[Apanui Heemi speaking] 

Seeing the impact of change that we have in our teachers and communities. 

[Brandon Manuel speaking] 

Being able to strengthen and increase tamariki well-being through some of the mahi we're doing.  

[Joelle McCormick speaking]

Opening the mindset of the people that i work with.  

[Zak Brown speaking]

Seeing the students absolutely just enjoying moving around and being physically active.  

[Shyanne Thompson speaking] 

So I have a five-year-old boy and just knowing that he's going to be able to grow up healthy and active. 

[Title: Why would you recommend your role to others?] 

[Brandon Manuel speaking] 

I think it's not only a privilege but an honour to be involved in the potential impact of well-being for tamariki here in New Zealand. 

[Shyanne Thompson speaking] 

A good opportunity to make a big impact in our community and in our schools. 

[Shawni Paniona speaking] 

It's your passion to drive you, it's what gets you up in the morning. 

[ Shanley Joyce speaking] 

Activating some systematic change. You can see your work, you know going through the whole system and changing it that way. 

[Amy McMahon speaking] 

The creativity and the flexibility that comes with it. 


[Zak Brown speaking]

To collaborate with lots of different people from lots of organisations across the country. 

[Jason Husband speaking] 

The value of physical activity and healthy eating on the well-being of our tamariki. It’s just super exciting and it's a really cool place to be. 

[Title: The Healthy Active Learning Workforce are:]

Amy McMahon - Healthy Active Learning Advisor - Sport Bay of Plenty 

Apanui Heemi - Healthy Active Learning Advisor - Nuku Ora 

Brandon Manuel - Healthy Active Learning Facilitator - Sport Canterbury 

Shawni Paniona - School Connector Lead  - Sport Northland 

Shyanne Thompson - Healthy Active Learning Community Connector - CLM Community Sport 

Joelle McCormick - Healthy Active Learning Advisor - Sport Northland 

Zak Brown - Healthy Active Learning Advisor - Sport Northland 

Tom Houghton - Community Connector - Sport Canterbury 

Katie Dobson - Healthy Active Learning Advisor - Sport Waitakere 

Jason Husband - Healthy Active Learning Advisor - CML Community Sport 

Shanley Joyce - Healthy Active Learning Advisor - Sport Auckland 

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