Investment approach
Investment approach
Our investment approach has changed for 2020-2024.
There are several key features of our new investment approach:
- Investment will be aligned to greater targeting to improve the physical activity levels of tamariki and rangatahi.
- Using our investment to leverage other investment and resources in the system.
- Unlocking and retaining a portion of investment from our Investment Portfolio to enable opportunities to experiment while sustaining what is working well, and flexibility to explore opportunities with new investment partners.
- Three investment categories with differing characteristics – Partnerships, Funds and Programmes.
- Different periods of commitment, allowing us to be responsive while also giving some certainty to the system.
- Most Partnerships investment will be committed for four years (if the partner meets agreed expectations), while other investment will be committed for one, two or three-year periods.
Investment categories
We have three investment categories in our Sport NZ Investment Portfolio 2020-2024.
We work together with our partners to understand and agree on their initiatives that best meet the needs of tamariki and rangatahi in their communities.
Our partners include:
- Regional Sports Trusts
- National Sport Organisations
- National Recreation Organisations
- Disability Partners
- Education Partners
- Others with a mandate to support their communities
We provide investment to boost access to opportunities for specific groups.
For example:
- Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa
- Young Women's Activation Fund
- Innovations for Young Women Fund
We advise the system regarding our own initiatives and how we'll lead and deliver these, many of these being with partners.
For example:
- He Oranga Poutama
- Healthy Active Learning
- Regional Sport Directors
- Coach Developer
- Business Capability