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Scholarship opportunity

ISAPA 2023: 25-29 June, Dunedin

Scholarship opportunity

ISAPA 2023: 25-29 June, Dunedin

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A professional development opportunity for people working in the play, sport and active recreation sector in Aotearoa

Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa is seeking scholarship applications for the 24th International Symposium of Adaptive Physical Activity (ISAPA), which is taking place this year in Ōtepoti Dunedin from 25 to 29 June 2023.   

This scholarship offers a unique learning and networking opportunity for those working in the play, active recreation and sport sector who might not otherwise be able to attend. The event will provide an international forum for physical activity professionals to share their knowledge and experience in adapted physical activity, physical education and sport science. 

Successful applicants will receive free registration and a subsidy to cover some travel/accommodation costs to attend ISAPA 2023.  

A line-up of insightful keynote speakers, including Paula Tesoriero from Whaikaha the Ministry of Disabled People and Andrew Leslie from Nuku Ora, practitioners and practical sessions have already been confirmed for this event, which is dedicated to advancing equitable opportunities, environments, and experiences for disabled tamariki and rangatahi in play, active recreation and sport. 

For further details on the programme content and speakers visit 

About the scholarship 

Sport NZ is offering 20 scholarships, worth $1,500 each, for people working in the play, active recreation and sport sector to attend this year’s ISAPA event. 

The scholarship will help cover costs associated with attending ISAPA 2023:  

  • Full registration fee 
  • A $600 NZD travel/accommodation subsidy paid directly to the organisation the recipient works or volunteers for 

Note:  Each scholarship includes free registration and will help cover the costs of travel and accommodation to attend ISAPA 2023. The recipient and/or their associated organisation is expected to cover any additional costs outside of this amount. 


The Sport NZ scholarship is available for those who fit the following criteria*:  

  • Are actively involved in supporting disabled tamariki and rangatahi to be physically active through play, active recreation and/or sport  
  • Are a paid or volunteer staff member of an organisation in the play, active recreation and sport sector in Aotearoa New Zealand 
  • Applicant can be nominated or self-nominated 

*Sport New Zealand and High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) staff are not eligible for this scholarship.

To apply 

All applications must be submitted through the form link below. You will be required to respond to the following questions:  

  • Your name and the name of your associated organisation  
  • Your role and whether it is paid or voluntary 
  • Your involvement in enabling opportunities for disabled tamariki and rangatahi to participate in play, active recreation and sport 
  • Your reasons for wanting to attend the event  
  • Confirmation that you or your employer will be responsible for paying for any additional costs associated with attending the event that are not covered by the Sport NZ scholarship.

CLOSED: Applications closed Sunday 23 April.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Justin Muschamp, Disability Lead - Sport New Zealand.

If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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