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Accessibility tips

Marketing and Communications

Accessibility tips

Marketing and Communications

Below are seven tips for making your marketing and communications content more accessible.

1. ​Language 

Use plain language (clear, concise and well-organised language that avoids jargon).

2. Images 

Ensure all images have alternative text

  • Ensure any textual or visual information that the image contains is conveyed in alt text. 
  • ​Ensure background have a contrast of 4.5:1 at its least contrasted part. You can check colour contrast here.
  • We recommend using an opaque block under any text that has a background image so the text stands out.

3. Forms and surveys 

​Keep forms and surveys as simple as possible by only asking for information you need for the current purpose. This is also good practice for data security. 

  • ​Label each field uniquely. 
  • ​If a specific format is required include that in the form field label e.g., Date, DD/MMM/YYYY 

4. Representative content 

Ensure marketing content and images are representative of diverse groups of people. 

  • Encourage your audience to share their experiences and suggestions about accessibility and effectiveness of your content. 

5. Videos 

Use captions/subtitles on all videos by default. 

  • Add text to the video description that includes the core message for those who cannot use the captions or the audio. YouTube and Instagram both allow a text posting to accompany your video for example. 
  • ​Avoid video and audio that autoplay - videos that play automatically are hard for some users to control, so it's better if they have to be started and stopped manually.

6. Different Formats

  • Emails are generally accessible. 
  • ​Newsletters should use accessible formats. Use HTML code online and link to that page in your marketing. Ensure users can easily sign up and easily unsubscribe from them.
  • Printed documents should use 12 pt sans serif font as a minimum for body text. 
  • ​Document readers, such as Issuu, have their place as an alternative for accessible documents. They are rarely accessible themselves so use them as an option linked from the page alongside audio, printed and other downloadable versions. 

7. Mobile Accessibility 

  • Touch-based functionality should be user-friendly and intuitive.
  • Ensure buttons and clickable elements are appropriately sized and positioned for easy one-handed use.
  • Account for different interaction patterns and access methods on smartphones, catering to a wide range of users. 
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If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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