Social media Accessibility check list
Social media Accessibility check list
☐ Images
I've added clear and meaningful alternative text and image descriptions for all images, using the inbuilt alt text function where possible.
☐ Language
Language is simple, concise and inclusive, avoiding jargon and acronyms.
☐ Colour
There is good colour contrast between text and background colours.
☐ Motion
There is no flashing content.
☐ Links
Links are short and go to an accessible online destination.
☐ Hashtags
Hashtags are written in CamelCase eg #EveryBodyActive.
☐ Video
I've added captions or subtitles to my videos.
☐ Stories
I’ve used auto-captions on my stories on Instagram and Facebook where possible.
☐ Emojis
I've used emojis to enhance text, not replace it.