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Social media Accessibility tips

Social media Accessibility tips

1. Images 

  • ​Include the information you wish to share in the text of the post and use images as a bonus.   
  • ​Ensure any textual or visual information that the image contains is conveyed in text using Alt text if the platform allows. 

2. Language 

Use plain language and avoid jargon. Use short, clear and easy-to-understand sentences and paragraphs.  

  • ​Use active voice and avoid the passive voice (ie Jenny kicked the ball. Not: The ball was kicked by Jenny.)
  • ​Avoid, or explain, acronyms and abbreviations fully. 
  • ​Use inclusive language.

Readability testing tools

3. Use of colour 

​Poor colour choices can make it difficult for people with visual impairments to read your content. 

  • ​Prioritise sufficient contrast between text and background colours.  
  • ​Avoid relying solely on colour to convey information, as this can exclude those with colour blindness.  
  • ​Be mindful of using vibrant colours excessively, as they can be distracting and difficult for some users to process. 

Colour contrast checker

4. Motion 

​Excessive motion or flashing can affect those with vestibular issues or trigger seizures. 

  • ​Avoid content with regular flashing or strobing at three times second or faster. 

5. Links 

  • Shorten lengthy URLs using URL shorteners (eg Tinyurl.)
  • Place links at the end of sentences to facilitate seamless reading. Indicate link destinations using descriptive labels like [AUDIO], [PIC], or [VIDEO] to provide clarity.
  • ​Check that the link destination is accessible. 

6. Hashtags 

​Use Camel Case when creating hashtags for social media posts.  Camel Case is where the first letter of each word within the hashtag is capitalised eg. #EveryBodyActive.

Screen readers use Camel Case to interpret and pronounce each word within the hashtag. ​Visual readers can recognise the shapes of the words better than #everybodyactive. 

7. Video 

  • ​Use captions for all videos by default. 
  • ​If possible, add a transcript, or better still a full textual description, to the post alongside the video. 
  • ​Add text to posts with the core message for those who cannot use the captions or audio. YouTube and Instagram both allow you to post text to accompany your video. 
  • ​Avoid enabling auto-playing video or audio. 

9. Emojis 

  • Limit emoji use and don’t use emoji to replace text: only to enhance it.  
  • Not all screen readers will interpret emojis the way you may intend them to be read. Low vision users may struggle to see the difference between face emojis.

10. Platform-specific accessibility features 

Familiarise yourself with the built-in accessibility features provided by each social media platform. 

  • ​Use alt text, image descriptions, and auto-captions to make your content more inclusive.  
  • ​Keep up with platform updates to new accessibility enhancements. 

Facebook accessibility

Instagram accessibility

LinkedIn accessibility

Tiktok accessibility

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If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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