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Sport’s social license


Sport’s social license


How does sport need to adapt to changing social sensitivities? 

What are we seeing?  

  • Sport's strong societal support in New Zealand is threatened by misalignment with changing social norms, misinformation, and 'sportswashing', affecting its 'social licence'. 
  • Shifting public attitudes towards mental health, player safety, alcohol, gambling, gender representation, and environmental concerns are challenging traditional sports practices and organisations. 
  • Global social movements, climate change awareness, and ethical concerns about sponsorship and event hosting are increasingly influencing sport, requiring adaptation and responsible practices. 

What can we expect?  

  • Progressive societal values will impact sport, with increased focus on health concerns, gender equality, and athlete activism. Sport will adapt rules and formats to address safety and inclusivity. 
  • Environmental consciousness will grow, affecting sponsorships and event hosting. Organisations aligning with positive societal values will gain favour. 
  • Sport's integrity will face challenges from performance enhancement, while continuing to reflect and influence broader societal attitudes and values. 

What might this mean for sport and recreation?  

  • Sport organisations must adapt to evolving societal values, emphasising positive social impacts, inclusivity, and environmental responsibility to maintain their social licence. 
  • Governance in sport will need to reflect diversity and community values, with increased focus on transparency, accountability, and ethical standards. 
  • Athletes and sport entities will face higher expectations and scrutiny regarding behaviour, cultural sensitivity, and environmental considerations in operations and events. 

What questions should we be asking ourselves today?  

  • How can we positively impact our community, measure our effectiveness, and align our practices with community values? 
  • What strategies can we implement to minimise our environmental footprint and uphold ethical standards among our athletes? 
  • How can we improve stakeholder communication and adapt to evolving societal norms and expectations? 

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