Top of the South Regional Sport & Active Recreation
Top of the South Regional Sport & Active Recreation
Spaces and Places Strategy
This Regional Sport & Active Recreation Spaces and Places Strategy comes along at a time of significant disruption and uncertainty. Any approach to planning and decision-making must be flexible to adapt to new circumstances, evidence, and knowledge as events unfold.
What we do know is that levels of physical activity are in decline. This is more marked in some communities and age groups than others. The decline is due to a range of social, economic, technological, political, and environmental factors, only some of which we can influence.
Sport New Zealand (Sport NZ) aims to inspire New Zealanders to develop a life-long love of participating in play, active recreation, and sport. Above all, it wants to see “Every Body Active”. Locally led development of spaces and places for play, active recreation and sport that provide quality experiences for people in your communities is something we can influence and is a critical enabler for all of us to be physically active and achieve success.
Together with our Regional Sporting Trust partners and National Sports and Recreation Organisations, Sport NZ is committed to supporting local government and others involved in the planning, design, procurement, development, governance and operating of more affordable and sustainable spaces and places. The completed Top of the South Island Strategy and insights provides a high-level strategic framework and decision-making process for facility planning. By working in a collaborative manner, an updated view of the priorities for future sport and active recreation spaces and places has been developed to help guide Councils and Funding Agencies in their decision making and be better informed as to what the needs, rather than wants for the Region are.