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Vaccination Update
Vaccination Update
Here’s an update of recent developments as the Government rolls out free COVID-19 vaccinations. You’re welcome to share all or part of this information in a way that works for your workforce and networks.
While Covid-19 vaccinations are strongly encouraged by the Government, there are only limited roles where it is mandated, as a public health requirement.
Here’s an update of recent developments as the Government rolls out free COVID-19 vaccinations. You’re welcome to share all or part of this information in a way that works for your workforce and networks.
We appreciate there’s a large stream of information business and workplaces need to get across, to keep pace with COVID-19 developments.
And with Summer just eight weeks away, now’s the time to let your staff know they’ll want to book a first vaccine appointment within the next two weeks, to be sure they have both doses before Summer starts. Being vaccinated means we’ll all be able to look forward to a classic, active Kiwi summer.
'Super Saturday’ nationwide vaccination drive
Minister Hipkins has also announced a national day of action on vaccination: ‘Super Saturday’ on 16 October.
Vaccination clinics will be open throughout Aotearoa all day, and during the evening of Saturday 16 October. Workplaces, media and community leaders are asked to support vaccination turn out by mobilising people with effective messaging and appropriate incentives. There is a role for everyone to play as we work together for a cause we all support.
Super Saturday Business information webinar, Friday 8 October, 3:30pm
To learn more about ‘Super Saturday’ and the role for business, please mark your own diary to join a business information webinar:
Webinar: Super Saturday and the role for business
Via Microsoft teams – click the link below to join the meeting
Friday 8 October, 3:30-4pm
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+64 4-280 2674,,725903866# New Zealand, Wellington
Phone Conference ID: 725 903 866#
Digital vaccination record ‘My COVID Record’
From the end of November, everyone in New Zealand will be able to access a scannable QR code as proof of vaccination and COVID-19 test results. This will help ensure we are reducing the risk of the virus spreading at large gatherings and events over the Summer and into next year.
The first phase of this project launches next week with the website My COVID Record, where you’ll be able to view your vaccination records. There will be separate codes for domestic and international verification of vaccination records and COVID-19 test results. You'll be able to either print or save the QR codes on your smartphone in your Apple or Google Wallet.
This is the same platform that will later allow you to download digital vaccination and COVID-19 test certificates for use in New Zealand and overseas.
The Ministry of Health will be working with the events and hospitality industry to determine when proof of vaccinations might be required for entry to events and venues, and to ensure the technology is fit for purpose.
Until the end of November, if you need official proof of vaccination, you’ll need to request your vaccination records from the Ministry of Health and use the test results you receive directly from the DHB.
Developing a safer environment for participation in sport and recreation events and services
The Government is exploring different settings as the vaccination levels across NZ increase and is seeking to enable a safer environment that enables people to confidently participate in events. This will help ensure we are reducing the risk of the virus spreading at large gatherings and events over the Summer and into next year.
The Ministry of Health will be working with the events and hospitality industry to determine when proof of vaccinations might be required for entry to events and venues, and to ensure the technology is fit for purpose. A proposal is being developed that would introduce categories enabling a range of events/venues/services to require participants to provide COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates (CVC) as a condition of entry/access.
Sport NZ have provided detailed feedback about the sport and recreation elements of the proposal. We have also included some more general feedback from the sector about the implementation of any scheme to require proof of vaccination for attendance at or participation in events.
Mandatory vaccinations and requiring information from staff regarding vaccination status
While Covid-19 vaccinations are strongly encouraged by the Government, there are only limited roles where it is mandated, as a public health requirement. In all other circumstances, organisations are required to make their own assessment in light of the nature of the work, the role itself (i.e. the work being done) and the organisation’s legal obligations.
There is a high threshold required for mandatory vaccination, so it’s unlikely (given the variety of roles that sport and rec sector staff have) that all roles will meet this risk threshold. (See How to decide what work requires a vaccinated employee | WorkSafe for further details In any case, Sector organisations should be doing all they can to promote/incentivise vaccinations (noting that this will also be considered in the over-all assessment as to whether an organisation can require a role to have a compulsory vaccination).
Sector organisations may seek a voluntary vaccination status from staff (noting that staff are not legally obligated to provide that information, and at this stage it’s not likely to be verified). In doing so, organisations should ensure that:
- they are clear on the reasons for requiring this data so that it’s used only for those purposes; and
- it is collected, stored and shared in accordance with Privacy Act requirements; and
- no discrimination arises out of the use of such information.
COVID-19 branded resources hub now live
There’s now a central hub for all New Zealand Government Unite against COVID-19 branded assets and resources. Everyone can view the hub, and download content after creating a free account.
It’s easy to search and find what you need by audience – like ‘business’ or ‘Iwi’ – and topic filters – like ‘Vaccination’ or ‘Scanning’. Assets and resources will continue to be added as they become available.
To view and use the hub, visit
The hub complements the COVID-19 Vaccine toolkits which include sector messaging, frequently asked questions, and links to further information and resources: Business and workplace toolkit, Pacific communities toolkit, Toolkit for organisations working with disabled people