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The Data Visualisation Tool provides the sector with access to relevant information from Sport NZ's Active NZ survey. The survey collects participation data from ages 5-plus across New Zealand, and this tool displays the data that has been collected from 2018 and 2019.
A study (Hodge et al., 2012) on NZ international athletes found most played a range of different sports as a teenager with some not taking up the sport they excel in until their teenage years.
Walters et al. (2011) outlined how adult behaviors affect children’s enjoyment of sport – with a focus on winning and competition – appearing to serve the needs of adults more than the needs of children.
Some young people have become overrepresented in reports of acute and chronic injury due to excessive training and competition loads in sport.
i. McGowan, Whatman & Walters (2020), found that children participating in sport in excess of currently recommended sport participation volumes had increased odds of reporting a history of gradual onset injury.
ii. ACC statistics (2019) show a 60% surge since 2008 in sports-related injuries to children aged 10 to 14 – double the increase of any other age group.
There is growing evidence that coaches and young people are not managing sport injuries by with the young person’s long-term wellbeing at the forefront of decision-making.
i. Whatman, Walters, & Schluter (2018) study found 87% of New Zealand secondary school athletes surveyed, reported hiding an injury to continue playing. Approximately 50% of players and coaches has witnessed other players put under pressure to play when injured.
Crane & Temple (2015) and Balish et al. (2014) conducted systematic evidence reviews and identified the following key factors were strongly evidenced as being correlated with youth sport attrition (drop-out)
i. Lack of enjoyment
ii. Perceptions of competence
iii. Social pressures
iv. Competing priorities
v. Physical factors (e.g., injury, maturation.)
Several systemic reviews have been conducted on early speciation and early diversification/sampling (Carder et al., 2020; DiSanti & Erickson, 2019; Baily et al, 2010; Hecimovich, 2004) and found that early specialisation increased physiological (injury) and psycho-social burnout, drop-out) risk factors. Early diversification/sampling also supported long term talent and participant development outcomes
A summary of evidenced-based policy guidance on participant development, athlete development and talent development programmes (Till & Baker, 2020; Côté & Hancock, 2016; LaPrade et al., 2016; Côté et al, 2009; Vaeyens, 2008)), including the IOC’s consensus statement on youth athletic development (Bergeron et al., 2015), positions the following:
i. Talent is a complex and largely misunderstood phenomenon lacking robust research evidence, and given concerns that it is potentially unhealthy, talent identification and selection at younger ages is not recommended.
ii. Diversification and variability of athletic exposure between and within sports should be encouraged and promoted.
iii. Competition formats and settings should be age and skill appropriate, while allowing for sufficient rest and recovery time between multiple same-day contests.
iv. Quality coaches should support participant and athlete development by providing a challenging and enjoyable sporting climate that focuses on each athlete’s personal assets and mastery orientation.
v. Coaching practice should evidence-informed and be aligned with the context, age, stage and motivation of the young person.
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