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Women in sport governance scholarships and mentor programme
Women in sport governance scholarships and mentor programme
2015 recipients
Sport New Zealand is pleased to announced the recipients of the 2015 women in governance scholarships and the participants in the 2015 mentor programme. The scholarship recipients will undertake study to support their leadership roles in sport.
Participants in the mentor programme receive ten hours of one on one support from experienced governance practitioners. Most women in the mentor programme have recently secured roles on boards in the sector.
These awards are part of Sport New Zealand's ongoing programme designed to support women in governance roles in the sector and to improve the gender balance on the boards of sporting organisations.
2015 recipients
Mentor programme
- Amanda Hopkins
- Jane Mitchell
- Lynda O'Cain
- Carolyn Stiles
- Anna Tootill
- Catriona McBean
- Prue Younger
There are still three positions open in this programme and further applications will be sought in the New Year
- Kirsten Patterson
- Hetty van Hale
- Karen Aitken
- Cheryl Bowie
- Annie Dignan
- Diana Puketapu
- Lynette Rayner
- Jan Shearer
- Lorena Stephen
- Nicki Sutherland