Facility Management Manual
Facility Management Manual
The New Zealand Recreation Association (NZRA), with support from Sport New Zealand have updated the Facility Management Manual to provide information and guidance for facility operators in thirteen key areas.
Chapter 1: Community Engagement
Guidance on how to fully engage with the communities and stakeholders, including approaches for finding out who they are, what their needs are and how best to work with them
Chapter 2: Customer Care
Customer experience and care, and information on:
- how to build customer relationships
- understanding customer behaviour
- customer feedback systems.
Chapter 3: Human Resources
Key topics:
- personnel management from recruitment,
- induction and training through to employment agreements
- team building
- managing staff performance.
Chapter 4: Strategy and Planning
Discusses the need for planning and describes the difference between strategic and business planning, detailing who is responsible for planning and provides an outline of the planning process.
Chapter 5: Marketing Identifies the key
Key principles of marketing and information on how to create a marketing plan. Also, outlines the basic tools required for promoting a facility and its programmes and events.
Chapter 6: Programming
The programming cycle and an overview of the programming process from planning and identifying target groups through to programme design and implementation.
Chapter 7: Financial Management
General financial management including monitoring and reviewing performance, planning and budgets, setting prices, and reporting.
Chapter 8: Risk Management
Principles and guidelines of risk management practices, including best practice, assessment and treatment, documentation and responsibilities, health and safety. Also, looks at high risk issues such as serious harm, crowd management and emergencies.
Chapter 9: Monitoring
Discusses monitoring and evaluation processes, the use of key performance indicators in monitoring and how collected data can be incorporated into the planning process. Also discussed are the purposes of evaluation and the evaluation process.
Chapter 10: Governance
Describes the differences between governance and management, details the major roles of the governing board including developing policies and monitoring, and addresses the issue of board and management relationships.
Chapter 11: Asset Management
Describes the key elements in an asset management plan, gives an overview of compliance, monitoring and review processes. It highlights some of the more important operational aspects of asset management such as managing energy use, and risk management.
Chapter 12: Facility Contracts
Discusses the different types of contracts, reasons for engaging in the contract process and provides useful tips on negotiating and on-going management of contracts and leases.
Chapter 13: Facility Development
An overview of the issues around designing and building new facilities, from establishing a project team, through community consultation, contracting and project management phases to completion.