Governance 101 online training
Governance 101 online training

Sport New Zealand is delighted to announce that the new introduction to governance course is live on the SportTutor learning platform.
NO CHARGE - available to all
- High quality interactive training
- Covering the key principles of not for profit governance
- Connected to the governance framework for sport and recreation
- 2-3 hours to complete
View the course online now at SportTutor.
What the course focusses on
- Clarity of purpose and setting outcomes
- The board as genuine governors - acting as a layer of ownership rather than a layer of management
- Being accountable for the use of time and money
The course responds to the findings of the 2014 benchmark review of governance in the sector.
Six modules and a short assessment
- What's my job? The role of the director
- What's our job? The strategic role of the board
- Who does the job? Recruiting and retaining the best people
- Let's meet. Inside the boardroom
- Who do we work for? Accountability, ethics and integrity
- What's next? Actions and further resource
Who is the course for?
- Aimed at not for profit directors on "governance boards". Generally where there is a logical governance/staff separation.
- All directors on these boards, even experienced practitioners will find the refresher useful.
- Chief executives and senior staff.
- Anyone with a sector development perspective inside RSTs or NSOs.
- The modules are broadly generic with limited sport specificity. They are available to the wider NFP sector.
Strong use of video
Contributions from experienced sector practitioners:
Jane Huria, Sue Suckling, Jan Dawson, Peter Fitzsimmons, Dame Therese Walsh, Diana Puketapu, Jennifer Gill and Prue Younger and David Rutherford.
Contributions from governance practitioners:
Graeme Nahkies, Terry Kilmister, Simon Telfer and Iain McCormick