Play tips for schools
Play tips for schools

To promote play in your school, ask tamariki how they would like to play and consider some of these ideas:
Getting to and from school
- Encourage tamariki to get to and from school on scooters or bikes or by walking, so they can play on the way
- Create play trails along fences and pathways leading to school
Provide additional opportunities for play within the school day
- Extend break times or use class time to play
- Bring games into your school like giant Jenga or loose parts play, or get creative with chalk
- Let the tamariki have a say in playground rules
- Have a themed day, like a water day or wheels day
Create opportunities for tamariki, Kaiako and whānau to play and connect
- Encourage on-duty Kaiako to play with students at breaktimes
- Invite whānau to a play afternoon and BBQ at school
- Support play at home by giving tamariki take-home play items, such as chalk
- Encourage Tamariki to bring some play equipment to school