Secondary age review 2019
Secondary age review 2019

This research looks into secondary school aged young people’s participation in sport and active recreation, and current and future enablers and barriers to this participation.
The Secondary Age Review was conducted in response to the Active NZ survey (2017) and concerns that the changing participation needs of 12-17 year olds in Aotearoa are not being met by today’s sport and active recreation offering.
The review identified four themes that need to be addressed:
- The value of being physically active needs to be understood and valued by young people, parents, sports and education organisations
- Sport and active recreation offerings are not meeting the needs of all teenagers
- Organisations aren’t working effectively together to provide quality experiences for young people
- The culture and ethos of our active lifestyles is under threat
The research has informed several reviews of secondary sport conducted by national sports and school sport organisations, and has also been used as an input into Sport NZ’s 2020-24 strategy.
Solutions to these themes will be developed by young people themselves using a human-centred design approach. Sport NZ will resource a number of prototypes through a contestable process later this year and the results of these (and other similar initiatives supporting this age group) will inform our future work, and guide the work of our partner organisations.
If you have any questions please contact:
Roger Wood
Rangatahi Lead Community Activation
T +64 21 496 979