Sport NZ Disability Plan Progress Report
Sport NZ Disability Plan Progress Report
2019 - 2024

In 2019, Sport NZ launched the Disability Plan to address inequities for disabled people in play, active recreation and sport. This report shows the progress Sport NZ and the sector have made since then towards increasing quality opportunities and experiences for disabled tamariki and rangatahi.
As part of the Disability Plan, Sport NZ made ten commitments centred on three priorities:
- working in partnership
- investing to create better quality experiences
- building system-wide capability.
This report shows actions we’ve taken to deliver on these commitments and enable positive change across the sector. It also includes the latest insights from several years of data about disabled people’s experiences in play, active recreation and sport, as well as the sector's confidence and capability in meeting their needs.
These insights show that we're taking definitive steps towards becoming a more inclusive sector — more organisations are providing adapted activities, inclusion training, accessible facilities, and tailored events and programmes than ever before. However, more work is needed to create better experiences for disabled people, as they continue to participate less often and have poorer experiences than their non-disabled peers.
Through Sport NZ's 2024-28 Strategy, we're committed to supporting the sector to provide quality opportunities and experiences for disabled people, so that we can achieve the vision we all want to see — a New Zealand where everyone enjoys the benefits of being active.
Accessible formats of the report are available below.
Watch a NZ Sign Language video about the report: