Sector Update
Sector Update
Kia ora tātou,
What an incredible couple of weeks for Aotearoa on the international sporting stage. While the Paris Olympics may be over, our sporting achievements continue around the world; from the White Ferns World Cup win and Emirates Team NZ once again taking out the America’s Cup, to the Silver Ferns making their mark against Australia.
A huge congratulations to Dame Lisa Carrington who was awarded one of the Olympic movement's highest honours, receiving the Association of National Olympic Committee (ANOC) Outstanding Sporting Career Award this week. It is the first time a New Zealander has won this award, and reflective of her incredible achievements on the water across more than a decade.
We’re a nation that comes together around sport and while we might be divided in our local allegiances, we are definitely one voice when cheering for our country. Criticism of the haka was perhaps one of the low points of the last period, but our collective response demonstrates that our cultural traditions are part of rugby and a part of who we are as a country. It will be all the more special to see the All Blacks lay down the challenge against England at Twickenham on Sunday; I’ll be setting my alarm clock for an early start (along with many of you I’m sure).
On a completely different note, I hope you’ve enjoyed taking part in Play Week 2024. The impact of play on the growth and development of our tamariki is powerful, and we chose to talk about the more serious benefits of play in our campaign this year. It’s great to see so many passionate people around the country working with their communities, schools and kura to support quality play and tākaro Māori opportunities. Thank you all for your support in bringing this to life.
Finally, I was pleased to be able to be part of the Healthy Active Learning national hui last week, where almost 150 people from across the motu came together to share success and learn from each other. The conversation in the room was energising and I look forward to seeing what comes out of this kaupapa. Check out some of the photos from the hui in this update.
Ngā mihi nui,
Latest News - Ngā Kōrero O Te Wā
Read about the latest news across Aotearoa.
Proving the power of play for tamariki
As we wrap up our fourth national Play Week 2024, it’s been fantastic to put the spotlight on and celebrate play across Aotearoa.
Play and tākaro is at the heart of Sport NZ’s strategy. We are working with a national play workforce based in Regional Sports Trusts, 15 councils and five Kaupapa Māori organisations to ensure all tamariki have the opportunities to be active and healthy. The workforce has held play events across the country – bringing communities together to connect and have fun in their neighbourhoods, schools and kura, and local environments.
Check out the Play Lab video to see how we kicked off this year’s campaign.
Healthy Active Learning national hui
Last week, the Healthy Active Learning physical activity and Health workforces came together at a national hui in Wellington for two days of whanaungatanga, learning and sharing successes. Around 150 attendees heard from those who support the kaupapa, which is all about enhancing the wellbeing of tamariki and rangatahi through healthy eating and drinking, and quality physical activity.

Learning how Balance is Better with delegation from Japan
Sport NZ recently hosted a delegation of sports leaders and researchers from Japan’s Tsukuba University who are keen to understand and explore the Balance is Better approach on behalf of the Japan Sport Agency.
Read more on their visit and interest in creating positive youth sport experiences.
Events And Opportunities - Ngā Kaupapa Me Ngā Whiwhinga
New course on child safeguarding and protection
Safeguarding and protecting children and young people is everyone’s responsibility. The Sport Integrity Commission has launched a new course to support you in keeping children and young people safe. This replaces the Safeguarding course that was previously available from Sport NZ.
Find out more about the child safeguarding and protection course.
Mana Taiohi youth development training sessions across the motu
As part of an ongoing commitment to embedding Mana Taiohi (principles for positive youth development) into work with and for rangatahi, Sport NZ has partnered with Ara Taiohi, Nuku Ora, Sport Northland, Sport Hawke’s Bay and Sport Canterbury to deliver four free full-day trainings across the motu.
Register for these sessions and find out more.
Community Stories - Ngā Kōrero Mō Ngā Hapori
Here are some stories from the community we didn’t want you to miss.
Active As in action: Haeata Community Campus
Since two new pieces of equipment were installed at Haeata Community Campus, the school has noticed improved behaviour in the classroom and more students engaged in PE – particularly those who were usually less active. Haeata’s Active As student leadership team is behind the positive change – they told kaiako they wanted to install a giant electronic digital wall and a wheelchair accessible swing set to get more students active.
Read the full story.
Adaptive Run Jump Throw: A regional community Para sport pilot
Paralympics New Zealand has completed its second regional community Para sport pilot, Adaptive Run Jump Throw, as part of its Collectively Stronger Together project.
Read more about how this is helping to introduce Para athletics into new regions.
In Case You Missed It - Mēnā Kāore I Kitea
Don’t forget to have your say on the Integrity Code
There is now more time to share your feedback on the draft Integrity Code. The Sport Integrity Commission Te Kahu Raunui have extended their public consultation by two weeks to enable even more of you to have your say.
The Integrity Code will help sport and recreation organisations to prevent and address harm by setting consistent standards across the sector. Your feedback is vital to make sure the Integrity Code reflects the experiences of those it aims to protect.
Make a submission by 15 November at
Governance - Te Mana Whakahaere
Re-registering your Incorporated Society
All incorporated societies need to re-register under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 by April 2026. To help with this, check out these useful resources which include national, regional and club templates and FAQs. When you re-register, remember to 'check' the tick box on the application form if you want to qualify for the exemption to allow your board to have a majority of non-members.
Let us know how you are tracking or if you have any questions at
Webinar: The board’s role in fraud prevention
International Fraud Awareness Week is happening in November. Join us from 12.15-1.00pm on Thursday 14 November for a refresher on the board’s role in fraud prevention.
Find out more and register here.
Charities Amendment Bill
As previously advised, the Charities Act 2005 (the Act) has been amended by the Charities Amendment Bill, which came into force on 5 July 2023. Find out more about the key changes on Sport NZ’s website and on the Charities Act Change Hub. The changes include the requirement for charitable organisations to review their governance procedures every three years.
The Foundational Development Programme
The Governance Foundational Development Programme is designed for smaller organisations and based on 18 key standards of good governance. It allows all board members to anonymously complete a self-evaluation and receive a summary report of the results. The evaluation can be repeated in six months to track progress aligned with your Development Plan.
Find out more about the self-evaluation programme.