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Financial support for the sector due to COVID-19

Tautoko ā-pūtea

COVID-19 Recovery Package

Parts of the play, active recreation and sport sector were hit hard by COVID-19. Sport NZ created a $25m Relief Package on 11 May 2020 to help the sector remain viable through the pandemic. This package included the Community Resilience Fund Phase One, Exceptional Systems Support Fund and the Partner Support Fund.

The Government then announced a $264.6m investment into the sport and active recreation sector organisations to respond to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown measures. This is known as the Sport NZ Recovery Package. It aims to support the play, active recreation and sport system to respond to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lock down measures. The emphasis is on rebuilding community play, active recreation and sport organisations and also includes funding for Olympic and Paralympic sport.

Sport NZ developed a recovery funding framework to support the distribution of the Recovery Package over a four-year period with three key outcomes:

  • Reset and Rebuild: Short-term support to help sport and active recreation organisations at all levels get through the initial impact of COVID-19.
  • Strengthen and Adapt: Support to help the sector rebuild in the medium term and make changes to operate successfully in the post-pandemic environment (e.g. new operating models and more collaboration).
  • Different and Better investment outcome: Innovative approaches to delivering play, active recreation and sport into the future.

Below, find a breakdown of funds and initiatives announced to date.

Sport NZ Recovery Package

A range of initiatives have been announced as part of the Government's four-year $264.6m Sport NZ Recovery Package. This includes: National Partner Strengthen and Adapt Programme, Kaupapa Māori Response Plan, Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa, and Individual Financial Hardship Fund. 

Sport NZ Relief Package

On 7 May Sport NZ announced a $25m relief package available to all parts of the Play, Active Recreation and Sport sector.  This package is now closed, and new support available through the $264.6m Recovery Package announced as part of Budget 2020.

Over 2000 organisations were supported through the relief package and a list of those who received funding has been proactively released and is available on the Official Information Act section of this website.

Smiling girl gets ready to play badminton

We provide investment to boost access to opportunities for specific groups, and to organisations where we don’t already have a partnership investment model in place. Whether you're a small club in need of new equipment, an organisation looking to send your members on a course, or even a facility used by world-class athletes, we're here to help. 

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