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Commitment 1

Active Recreation for Rangatahi Plan

Commitments and actions
Honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi and continue our learning journey to apply it in our work

This commitment will help us bring to life the Mana Taiohi principles of Whakapapa and Mātauranga as we build our understanding of the whakapapa of young people. This includes drawing on research, individual experiences and cultural knowledge, as well as the wider influences on their experiences such as connection to whenua and whānau, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the ongoing impacts of colonisation.

We are advocating for projects that combine the He Oranga Poutama outcomes and Active Recreation outcomes together, for the betterment of rangatahi.

group of kids walking along a bush track
Progress highlights
Year 2
  • Sport NZ has partnered with Ara Taiohi to promote the
    Mana Taiohi Principles, a bi-cultural youth development framework.

  • Continuation of the Mana Taiohi Champions network in ten Regional Sports Trusts.

  • He Puna Korikori, previously the Outdoor Activity Fund (administered by Recreation Aotearoa) year two funding round completed.

  • Case Study highlighting great practice example of He Puna Korikori funded initiative of Tāngata Whenua as Māori in the outdoors.

Intended outcomes of this commitment

This commitment will move us towards the Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles of partnership, participation, and protection.

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