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Play Week Aotearoa 2024

Play Week Aotearoa 2024

Play Week Aotearoa 2024 is all about celebrating the value play brings to tamariki, whānau and communities across Aotearoa. Play gives us freedom and chances to take risks. It’s how our tamariki build a life-long love of being active, make sense of the world around them, get creative, build friendships, and learn skills. 

Be part of Play Week and watch your tamariki thrive! 

Tākaro Mai 2024

Ko te kaupapa o Te Wiki Tākaro o Aotearoa 2024 ko te whakanui i te painga o te tākaro ki ngā tamariki, ki ngā whānau, otirā ki ngā hapori huri noa i Aotearoa. Mā te tākaro ka wātea tātou ki te tū mātātoa. Mā roto hoki i te tākaro ka waihanga ā tātou tamariki i tētahi aroha taumano ki te korikori, ka mārama rātou ki te ao e noho nei rātou, ka auaha rātou, ka whakawhanaunga atu rātou, ā, ka ako pūkenga hoki rātou. 

Hono mai rā koe ki Te Wiki Tākaro ka kite ai koe i ō tamariki e puāwai ana. 

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