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We’re encouraging everyone across Aotearoa to find play – it’s everywhere. Whatever you have nearby – a box, a hose, a tree – then you’ve got play! Play is a fun and easy way for tamariki and whānau to get together and stay active.
Play Week Aotearoa 2023 is all about celebrating the value play brings to tamariki, whānau and communities across Aotearoa. Play gives us freedom and chances to take risks. It’s how our tamariki learn to problem solve, get creative, make mistakes, create new friendships, learn skills and build a life-long love of being active.
You can be part of it too. Play is Everywhere!
E akiaki ana mātou i ngā tāngata katoa huri noa i Aotearoa ki te rapu i te tākaro – kei ngā wāhi katoa. Ahakoa he aha kei tō taha – tētahi pouaka, tētahi ngongo wai, tētahi rākau – anā, kei a koe te āheinga ki te tākaro! Ko te tākaro tētahi ara whakangahau, tētahi ara māmā ki te whakakotahi, ki te whakakorikori hoki i ngā tamariki me te whānau.
Ko te tino ngako o Te Wiki Tākaro o Aotearoa 2023 ko te whakanui i te painga o te tākaro ki ngā tamariki, ki ngā whānau, ki ngā hapori huri noa i Aotearoa. Mā te tākaro e wātea ai tātou ki te tū mātātoa. Mā te tākaro hoki e ako ā tātou tamariki ki te whakatika raru, ki te mahi auaha, ki te hapa, ki te whakawhanaunga atu, ki te ako pūkenga, ki te waihanga hoki i tētahi aroha taumano ki te tākaro.
Ka taea hoki e koe te toro mai. Kei ngā Wāhi Katoa te Tākaro!
Find out about this exciting approach to urban play design that places tamariki at the centre of the process. Schools and kura, local organisations and community groups are working together to bring to life play projects for their communities.
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Sign up to our regular newsletters that connect Sport NZ to all those involved in the play, active recreation and sport sector.