Active movement activity guides for children 0-5 years
Active movement activity guides for children 0-5 years

Brochures providing a variety of fun activities to get little children moving.
These resources are also available in te reo.
How to encourage your children to become active.
Sun, safety and nutrition
Why it's important to be careful in the sun and how to apply sunscreen properly. It also includes helpful information on other issues like smoke-free environments, nutrition and safety.
Developing hands and fingers
Why developing hands and fingers is important for children and includes fun activities for newborns and infants, toddlers and young children.
Developing self-esteem
Why your child's self esteem is important and includes fun activities for newborns and infants, toddlers and young children.
Walking, running and jumping
Research shows that allowing your child to walk in their own time is important. This brochure includes fun activities for toddlers and young children when they are walking, running and jumping.
Developing language
Quality physical movement can improve language development. This brochure includes fun activities for newborns and infants, toddlers and young children.
Massage and touch
Infants learn from touch, and massage is good for you and your child. This brochure explains why and includes fun activities for newborns and infants, toddlers and young children.
Eyes need to move too!
Fun activities that develop eye movement in newborns and infants, toddlers and young children.
Upper body development
Information on the development of strong muscles in the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Includes fun activities for newborns and infants, toddlers and young children.
Upper body development: climbing, hanging and swinging (PDF 2.7MB)
Songs, rhymes and finger plays
Music and singing can help your child's development.
Tummy time, rolling and crawling
These movements are a vital part of your children's development.
Movement such as swinging, spinning and rocking helps develop your child's sense of balance.
Catching, throwing and kicking
Why playing with a ball or moving object is important.
Using the environment
This brochure explains that using the environment is important.
Sport New Zealand developed all of the brochures included in this section in consultation with parents and caregivers, educators, and key organisations such as Plunket, the National Heart Foundation, NZ Gymnastics and the Ministries of Health and Education.
Many of the activities and ideas in these brochures have been sourced from 'Moving to Learn' by Robyn Crowe and Gill Connell.