Disability plan
Disability plan

Improving the wellbeing of disabled New Zealanders by addressing inequalities in play, active recreation and sport.
Sport NZ’s Disability Plan seeks to improve the wellbeing of disabled New Zealanders by addressing inequalities in play, active recreation and sport.
The release of the plan follows the launch of Sport NZ’s 12-year strategic direction and vision – Every Body Active – that has the goal of ensuring all New Zealanders have access to quality experiences, particularly those groups missing out.
Sport NZ knows from its Active NZ data that disabled young people are less likely to participate in a range of sports and activities, particularly play related activities such as using playgrounds and scootering. Disabled adults spend 16% less time participating in any given week than non-disabled adults. More data is available in the Spotlight on disability.
Developed following a Disability review in 2018 and in consultation with key partners, disability advocate groups and individuals, the plan aims to improve the range and quality of physical activity on offer for disabled tamariki and rangatahi to ensure they have the opportunity to be active.