He Oranga Poutama
He Oranga Poutama

Developing, promoting and implementing physical activities in a way that is culturally appropriate to Māori.
Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa supports Māori wellbeing by improving participation and growing leadership through play, active recreation and sport.
He Oranga Poutama investment is strongly centred on Māori ways of being and knowing. It’s about supporting and growing community leadership and participation in play, active recreation and sport as Māori.
Te Whetū Rehua is the framework that articulates the ‘as Māori’ concepts and principles which collectively define Māori leadership and participation in sport and active recreation.
Who we invest in
We currently invest in 12 organisations through He Oranga Poutama to develop, promote and implement physical activities that are culturally appropriate to Māori. These are:
- Sport Northland
- Aktive
- Te Wharekura o Rākaumanga
- Te Pae Oranga o Ruahine o Tararua
- Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa
- Mātaatua Sports Trust
- Tūranga Health Services
- Sport Manawatū partnering with Te Pae Oranga o Ruahine o Tararua
- Sport Taranaki
- Sport Hawke’s Bay
- Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa
- Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu
- Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou partnering with Sport Gisborne Tairāwhiti
- Te Rūnanganui o Te Ātiawa ki te Ūpoko o te Ika and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated partnering with Nuku Ora
Featured Stories
He Oranga Poutama in Action
He Oranga Poutama looks different in each region and is guided by the aspirations of hapori Māori.
Milar and Taylah give us an insight into what He Oranga Poutama looks, sounds and feels like in Tāmaki Makaurau at the Iwi of Origin event, hosted by Aktive Auckland Sport & Recreation.
This is what He Oranga Poutama is all about
We tagged along to the National He Oranga Poutama Hui for Kaiwhakahaere, that was held in Ohope and hosted by one of our longest standing providers, Mātaatua Sports Trust. This is what the Kaiwhakahaere and Ihi Aotearoa kaimahi had to say about the importance of this kaupapa to Māori communities and the unique contribution and opportunity that He Oranga Poutama provides.
Expansion of He Oranga Poutama broadens reach to Iwi, Hapu, Whanau, Māori communities nationwide
On 29 June the Minister for Sport and Recreation announced the expansion of the long standing kaupapa Māori wellbeing programme He Oranga Poutama into four new takiwā (regions) with an increase in annual investment from $1.78 million to $3.38 million. This will broaden the programme’s reach into whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori across Aotearoa and forms part of the $7 million Kaupapa Māori Response Plan focused on providing and increasing culturally distinctive pathways that enable Māori to be physically active as Māori.
The 2021 He Oranga Poutama Outcomes Framework Review Report reviews the 2008 He Oranga Poutama Outcomes Framework.
The 2012 He Oranga Poutama developmental evaluation report tracks progress during 2009-2012 against the three areas of emphasis.
Any questions?
For any questions about He Oranga Poutama, please contact:
Trina Henare
Kaiarahi He Oranga Poutama | He Oranga Poutama Lead
Sport NZ - Ihi Aotearoa
E: Trina.Henare@sportnz.org.nz
M: +64 21 923 557
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