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School applications

School applications

Schools and kura are eligible to apply for Tū Manawa funding to support physical activity opportunities in several ways.

These opportunities or projects might occur:

  1. Outside of class time (breaks or before and after school).
  2. In class time, where only the school personnel are involved.
  3. In class time where external providers or organisations may also be involved.

Applications for projects in the examples 1 and 2 above, should complete the application form in the same way as in any setting.

Where the project occurs during class time and involves external people, providers or organisations (example 3), there is an additional step in the application process.

While we recognise that involving local and community resources and connections can assist schools and kura to better support students and their learning, we want to ensure that this is done in an authentic planned way, and that Tū Manawa funding is not used to replace the role of the teacher or kaiako and/or curriculum teaching and learning.

This extra step is an opportunity to maximise the potential of a collaboration and involves a discussion between the school and provider about how they can work together to succeed in meeting what the school/kura is trying to achieve for their ākonga.

The document Implementation in a school/kura setting is a suggested guide for this discussion and needs to be signed and included in the application, acknowledging this extra consideration step has occurred.



If a project involves many schools, one school could take the lead, however the Implementation in a school/kura setting document needs to be signed by all schools or kura involved.

“Community engagement” is one of the principles of the New Zealand Curriculum and in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa it is “School, whānau, hapū, iwi and community will work together”. A great example where Tū Manawa funding has supported this can be seen in this video.

  • The kura has identified the needs of their students.
  • The kura has looked to the community to enhance how they can meet those needs.
  • The responsibility for the planning and implementation of activities has been collaboratively designed.


Regional Sports Trusts have staff that can further support how Tū Manawa could be of value to your school or kura.

If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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