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Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa

Funding activities for children and young people

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for the delivery of play, active recreation and sport activities for children and young people (5-18yrs). Activities can be new or existing, and your application needs to show how you’re meeting the needs and wants of your participants.

Tū Manawa is aimed at addressing the barriers children and young people face in accessing an opportunity, so it has a particular focus on groups who are less active, including girls and young women, and disabled people.

Read about the impact of three years of Tū Manawa in our 2024 insights report.

Find out more below and go to your Regional Sports Trust's website to apply.

What can be funded?

This is an activation fund that is intended to address the barriers that tamariki and rangatahi face in accessing quality physical activity opportunities. Applications must clearly show what those barriers are and evidence that your initiative is wanted and needed by participants, and include the costs of the:

  • project or programme delivery (for example, venue or equipment hire, participant transport to your activity)
  • equipment (only when it is needed as part of a project, activation, or programme)
  • officials and coaches, where these are required for delivery of the programme
  • staff that will deliver the programme, where they are not already funded from other sources.
Who can apply?

We welcome applications from the following organisation types. (Please note, funded entities must have legal status):

  • hapū, iwi, marae, Māori organisations
  • incorporated clubs or societies
  • Charitable Trusts
  • regional or local councils
  • for-profit businesses/commercial organisations and social enterprises
  • education settings:
    • Primary/Intermediate schools/Kura
    • Secondary schools/Wharekura
    • Tertiary Education/Whare Wānanga.
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