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Active NZ Data Visualisation Tool

Active NZ Data Visualisation Tool

Explore and visualise Active NZ survey data across New Zealand and in your region.

The Data Visualisation Tool provides the sector with access to relevant information from Sport NZ's Active NZ survey. The survey collects participation data from ages five and over across New Zealand and the tool displays the data that has been collected between 2017–2019 and 2021–2023. There was a pause in data collection in 2020 due to disruption by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Built on the software platform Power BI, the tool allows you to delve into data across New Zealand and specific to your region. The dashboard will also help you drill down by survey year, young people survey or adult survey, gender, age, ethnicity and disability.

How to use the tool

The Tool has four pages:

  1. Active and activity levels
  2. Barriers
  3. Types of Activity
  4. Crosstabs

Click on the filters across the top of each page to select the sub-groups you want to explore. To re-set click clear all filters on the top right of each page.

Hover over the charts to see percentages and sample sizes.

Note: samples sizes of <100 are considered to be small and displayed as light blue bars or with red font. For samples of <30 data is not displayed.

If you have any questions, please email


Active NZ Data Visualisation Tool


The Sport NZ Insights Tool has been updated

The Sport NZ Insights Tool is an interactive online resource designed specifically for anyone involved in the play, active recreation and sport sector to help guide decision making. It brings together data on populations, activity participation, health trends and schools.

The tool has been updated to bring in the latest data across several of the datasets. The tool uses statistical modelling to apply Active NZ data to smaller geographic areas to give insights into more targeted areas.

The next update of the tool will incorporate the 2023 New Zealand Census results when these become available (November/December). Have a play with the tool here

If you have any questions about the Active NZ Data Visualisation Tool or the Insights Tool, please email

If you require an accessible version of any content on the site please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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