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Research and insights

Te rangahau me ngā māramatanga

Research and insights

We conduct research and provide insights to help you understand how people in Aotearoa New Zealand are participating, so you can use evidence to make participant focused decisions.

What motivates one person to be active might be a barrier to another. That’s why we conduct research into how different people get active and what prevents them from doing so. We have been collecting data on a continuous basis through the Main Active NZ survey since January 2017, and our monthly Active NZ survey helps us understand different participant groups. Dip deeper into our evidence-based case studies, which highlight initiatives to keep communities active.

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Active NZ 2023 

Our nationwide survey of participation in play, active recreation and sport for New Zealanders aged five and over.

Every month we survey a sample of New Zealanders registered on the electoral roll through our research partner Verian to tell us about the sports and activities they do and what they think about being active.

We now have seven years’ worth of data from Active NZ and can identify longer term trends and better explore specific demographic groups to monitor progress against our strategy.

Participation Trends 2017-2023 and Snapshot of the Participation Landscape 2023 reports

The Active NZ – Participation Trends 2017-2023 and the Active NZ – Snapshot of the Participation Landscape 2023 reports are now available below. The reports are complementary and should be read alongside each other. The Participation Trends report explores how the play, active recreation and sport landscape has changed since 2017, and the Landscape report is an up-to-date snapshot of the New Zealand participation landscape in 2023.

These reports support the long-term outcomes and goals identified in our 2032 Strategic Direction and are timely as Sport NZ enters its Strategic Plan 2024-2028. Our focus remains on maintaining and growing the activity levels of tamariki and rangatahi. We also want to provide more opportunities and better experiences to groups that are currently missing out and doing less, such as disabled people, women and girls and Māori.

COVID-19 a significant disruptor

Key findings from the Participation Trends report 2017-2023 show that COVID-19 has been a significant disruptor to participation in play, active recreation and sport in New Zealand, with the effects continuing into 2023.

Following a period of stable activity levels for tamariki and rangatahi, pre-COVID-19, tamariki have increased their activity levels, whereas rangatahi activity levels have been declining. This is reflected in behaviour and several long-term attitudinal trends for rangatahi, such as a weakening relationship with sport and attitudes towards being active.

It is a mixed picture for adults who have not sustained the higher participation levels of 2021 and in 2023, these fell to below pre-COVID-19 levels.

The Snapshot of the Participation Landscape report highlights inequities in play, active recreation and sport by age, gender, ethnicity, deprivation and disability.

3 teens, 2 in wheelchairs playing tennis on a court
Data Visualisation Tool

Our new Data Visualisation Tool provides the sector with access to relevant information from Sport NZ’s Active NZ survey

The tool displays data that has been collected between 2017- 2019 and 2021-2023. There was a pause in data collection in 2020 due to disruption by the Covid-19.

Built on the software platform Power BI, the tool allows you to delve into data across New Zealand and specific to your region. The dashboard will also help you drill down by survey year, young people or adult survey, gender, age, ethnicity and disability.

Funding and the economic value of play, active recreation and sport research

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